Child Foundation

Countrywide Health Initiative for Learning & Development, also known as CHILD Foundation is a non-profit, non-government, non-political voluntary welfare organization working for individuals with a special need. CHILD Foundation has embarked on its journey on December 30th, 2016. From its inception, CHILD Foundation devoted itself to create social awareness and make available contemporary researches based data and provide world standard special need services across the country. Our objective is to help individuals discover their strengths, overcome weaknesses and create equal opportunity not only in schools but also in workplaces and society in general. The foundation intends to provide them with resources starting from early intervention all the way up to appropriate job placement through vocational training in their adulthood. CHILD foundation also sets focus on enriching local practitioners such as doctors and therapists through training. The foundation envisions creating a society where everyone is accepted regardless of how different they are. CHILD Foundation believes that with the right kind of help at the right time, individuals with a special need can become valuable members in a society. This foundation sees disability not as a hindrance to success, but as a reason to bring out the courage and strength in individuals with a special need. The foundation gives them the support to reach higher goals so they can be known for their ability, not for their disability.

Countrywide Awareness Program

Mass Awareness Programs, Workshop and forums for Parents & primary caregivers, Network with International and local organizations & sharing resources, Corporate Engagement, Parent support program & counseling sessions, Parent training-understanding the diagnosis, Siblings of children with specials needs social barriers.

Life Style Modification program

Behavior Modification plan, Social skill intervention, Special therapeutic service plan and application of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), Provide individual educational plan (IEP) for children with special needs.

Early Intervention Diagnosis & Services

CHILD Foundation is working relentlessly to ensure the rights of individuals with special needs to quality health care, education and equal opportunity at the workplace.

Training Session

Training for practitioners (pediatricians, neurologists, special educators & therapists). Training for adults with special need and appropriate job placement with need-based supervision.

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